Uganda is endowed with a variety of resources and riches that are un tapped and this makes it a good investment destination.
Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) set up under the Investment Code 1991 is a statutory agency mandated to initiate and support measures that enhance investment in Uganda and advise Government on appropriate policies conducive for investment promotion and growth.
Uganda Investment Authority mainly: markets investment opportunities; promotes packaged investment projects; ensures local and foreign investors have access to information, especially about the business environment so as to make more informed business decisions; and offers business support, advisory and advocacy services.
Here are several national priorities that the government is giving utmost emphasis for Investment, these include Agriculture and Agribusiness, ICT, Tourism, Packaging and Mineral beneficiation among others.
Starting a business in Uganda just got easier through the electronic One Stop Center eBiz. This is a collaboration of seven Uganda government agencies to reduce business licensing bureaucracies.
How to set up investment in Uganda
There are (3) three steps to follow
- Register your company with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau. You will get a certified copy of your Memorandum and Articles of Association, and a Certificate of Incorporation.
- Get your Investment License from Uganda Investment Authority or visit Uganda Investment Authority Offices at Twed Plaza, Plot 22 Lumumba Avenue Kampala.
- Secure necessary secondary licenses: Certain sectors require other licenses i.e Mining, Health Services, Air Transport, Banking among others. Uganda Investment Authority can assist you in securing these licenses within reasonable time.
By law, all foreign investors need to obtain an Investment License from Uganda Investment Authority (UIA). However, according to the current investment Code, domestic investors are not obliged. One can apply for an Investment License Online from Uganda Investment Authority
What is the purpose of the procedure?
- A licensed investor gets access to business support and advocacy services including: business linkages, joint ventures, participation in outward and inward missions which expose his/her business, aftercare services in relation to specific business challenges.
- Foreign Investors require a minimum of US $ 100,000 for their investment project to qualify for an Investment License.
For Local Investors the minimum requirement is US $ 50,000. - A Certificate of Incorporation and Articles & Memorandum of Association from Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB);
- A brief Business Proposal on the project (not less than 5 pages);
- Evidence of availability of funds for the project, which could be a Bank statement for the company/Directors;
- Proof of land ownership or tenancy (land title or a tenancy agreement to confirm location of the project).
- Photocopy of Passport of Foreign Shareholders
- Other additional supporting documents
- Bill of lading to confirm importation of machinery (exceptional cases )
- Copy of the secondary License issued by the relevant Government Ministry/Department or Agency
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report/Certificate of Approval by National Environment Management Authority.
- Applications in the following businesses will require securing a secondary license before applying for an investment license: energy generation, mining, banking and air transport.
Why not invest in Uganda?