
The country boasts of temperate climate with varying temperatures of 16 degrees Celsius – 26 degrees Celsius (April – November) and over 30 degrees Celsius during warm seasons (December – March).

The talk about global climate change is every where and Uganda is no exception with these effects starting to take toll with prolonged warmer/dry seasons- this is sad!

Other than that the Ugandan weather and climate is pretty much constant through out the year.

You will be surprised though at how the weather may be much cooler than you expect in some parts of the country.

There are 2 rainy seasons; (March to May) and (September to December), with the amount of rain greatly affected by Lakes and rivers and the beautiful rain forests, making the southwest corner far greener than the north and central parts of the country because of the concentration of these.

The weather and climate is also greatly affected by the several mountains that exist. These big massive mountains – some of which are regarded as extinct volcanoes contribute to the rainy seasons particularly for the areas around and some are a good source of natural mineral water.

Compared to the other regions, the north-eastern Karamoja region has the driest climate with temperature well above 30 degrees Celsius for most of the year and is prone to drought in some seasons.