The Golazo Project: A Hat Trick for Poverty Alleviation, Promises to Create Jobs and Boost SMEs

Golazo Project

The Golazo Project is a local initiative being undertaken by Golazo Sports Limited to create a minimum of 10,000 jobs for the youths in Uganda as well as a practical approach to increasing productivity of 1.8million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by at least 30%;

thereby facilitating the transformation of the nation’s economy to shift from peasantry towards middle income status.

The ultimate goal of the project is to empower SMEs, and young people with tools, capacity building, coaching, and offering them a platform through which they can achieve their sustainable goals so they in turn can support other young people.

The Project is subdivided into three platforms; Gigs, Ug Tickets, and Bonga!.


According to their website, ‘Gigs’ is an online platform focussed on addressing the challenge of unemployed youth by linking them to hiring SMEs for freelance jobs, and offering training courses to enhance their capacities for productivity.

As the word ‘gig’ suggests, this is not a full time form of employment, however, it offers young people a chance to get freelance jobs, improving their work experience, as well as earning them survival money.

This is expected to create about 105 jobs for young people per week.

Ug Tickets

UG Tickets provides a modern, easy, convenient and most importantly a service tailored to the local market.This helps service providers and SMEs reach an average audience of over 50,000 potential clients per week and handle an average of Ugx152 Million in transactions per year thus creating about 112 jobs for young people each month.

You too could add your ticketed event to the platform at no cost here >>


Commonly taken as a greeting among many people, Bonga shouldn’t surprise you. This is a network of community based Libraries in green spaces to tap into the transformational power of the internet to inspire learning and innovations with a capacity to create 224 jobs per month and generate about Ugx252 Million in annual gross revenues.

If well executed, and supported, the Golazo Project has the capacity to create over 10,000 jobs for young people in Uganda, and this is just what we might need to reach middle income status as well as alleviate the high levels of unemployment in Uganda.